We are thrilled to feature our friends at Help Hope Live this month. Transplant Outreach Representative, Katherine Lacouture, was very helpful in explaining how their organization provides help to pediatric transplant families before and after transplant. Their mission is to help ease the financial burden of a medical crisis, provide hope at a time of overwhelming need, and support patients and families to LIVE life as fully as possible.Help Hope Live is dedicated to helping both our transplant families and our families that have started the listing process but may have been denied and are in a palliative course of treatment. They do this with the support of a Client Services Coordinator, the written support of your medical team, and your community to help fundraise.Benefits include everything from insurance premiums, deductibles and co-pays to home health care, dental services, and even service dogs.We encourage you to check in with our friends at Help Hope Live today or by calling 800-642-8399 to see for yourself the many ways they can help.