by Ken McErlain
Published on the 17 February 2014 09:00
A brave young boy from Peterborough suffering from a rare kidney illness which effects one in 40,000 children is on the mend after a transplant.
Myles Ruttley (8) has Prune Belly Syndrome, a rare birth defect which left him with small kidneys and a large bladder, and caused his kidneys to fail.
Before his transplant, Myles was on dialysis at home for almost seven months, dialysing for ten hours a day, six days a week.
But now he has had his transplant and he’s free of dialysis, football fan Myles is free to enjoy the things he loves. He recently got the chance to be a mascot at a Peterborough United game, courtesy of the Free Kicks Foundation.
Myles was also delighted to hear that a fund raising collection held by Chelsea Football Club at their recent home match against Manchester United managed to raise over £1,700.
Sadie Ruttley, Myles’ mum, says: “Myles was so excited that his favourite football club were collecting for Kidney Research UK.
“The charity funds great research into kidney disease, and that needs to continue so that other children with rare conditions like Myles can enjoy their lives.
“Myles will always have his condition and will need another transplant in the future, but this transplant means he is no longer restricted by dialysis and can enjoy many things that other children his age do.
“He’s been so brave and we’re all very proud of him.”
Every season, three matchdays are made available for bucket collections by the Chelsea Foundation. Kidney Research UK was one of 80 charities who applied to hold a bucket collection at the stadium.
Supporters were asked to vote for the charity they would most like to see fundraising at the ground and Kidney Research UK won the majority of the vote.
Sandra Currie, Chief Executive of Kidney Research UK, said: “We were thrilled to have won the poll.”