We are working with our friends and partners to give transplant families access to many different medical study and advocacy opportunities. Here are this months:
Pediatric Liver Transplant Families - Starzl PARTNER Project
The Starzl Network for Excellence in Pediatric Transplantation in collaboration with UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital, Starzl Network Patient & Family Voice, and Transplant Families recently received a Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) Eugene Washington Engagement Award. The two-year award will support our project, PAtient-centered Research in pediatric TransplaNt-Engaging families+Recipients (PARTNER).
PARTNER represents a novel effort in the field of transplantation: it is co-led by parents of transplant recipients and healthcare providers. In PARTNER, we seek to build on the established bonds between providers and patient partners, using the infrastructure and partnerships of the Starzl Network and Transplant Families to expand from personal relationships into organizational partnerships with shared priorities, knowledge, and a sustainable capacity to do collaborative patient-centered outcomes research (PCOR).
To participate it is preferred that your child is seen at a liver transplant center that is a participant in the Starzl Network. PARTNER - Starzl Network

Making visible the life stories of families of children who are immunocompromised during COVID-19