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12 Days of Giving: Day Twelve, Cindy! | American Transplant Foundation

Posted on 08. Jan, 2013 by American Transplant Foundation in Connections: A Blog about Life!

Cindy, a mother of two, chose to become a living donor in hopes that a shorter transplant waiting list would potentially save her children’s lives. Cindy’s children, because of a hereditary that runs in their family, are very susceptible to kidney failure. American Transplant Foundation is honored to join Cindy as she fights for those who are not yet on the transplant waiting list!

“My main motivation for donating the kidney was simply because I can. I can donate my kidney and give someone the opportunity to live life without dialysis.  Not everyone can say that. I decided to give my kidney hoping someone else will be able to give their kidney to one of my children if and when they need it” – Cindy

via 12 Days of Giving: Day Twelve, Cindy! | American Transplant Foundation.

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