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Basketball event raising funds for scholarships, teen organ transplant recipient

Aug 09, 2013

GUELPH — Hey, basketball players, ready to shake it up?

That’s the question local coach and mentor Steve “Shaker” Cuevas is asking as he prepares for his fourth annual “4on4 Basketball Earthshake” tournament in downtown Guelph.

The event is Aug. 17, a Saturday, in the downtown RBC bank parking lot. He’s hoping to attract six teams per division and raise enough money to send kids to school on basketball scholarships and help support a player in his Ball 4 All For Heaven’s Shake program who needs a kidney transplant.

Cuevas, a former European professional player and University of Guelph Gryphon, started his Shake True Hoops basketball school more than two decades ago.

In 2007, he established Ball 4 All to teach basketball and life skills to at-risk youths in several city neighbourhoods.

Cuevas would like to raise at least $9,000 or $10,000 to assist in scholarships and some of the costs associated with a transplant for Ball 4 All player Tyrel Thomson, 13.

“It’s for both. I can’t disappoint the kids … who are expecting help,” Cuevas said. “We’re hoping the outside world would help us do that. We appreciate anybody’s help.” That includes corporate sponsors for the Aug. 17 event at 74 Wyndham St. The rain date is the next day.

Teams are coed and allowed five players each. Every team must field two corporate employees to participate. There are no youth players in this tournament, other than those in a Special Olympics category and members of a Ball 4 All team that will be on hand if needed.

Cost is $250 per team for advanced registration or $300 at the door. Contact numbers are 519-827-0534 and 519-835-3213.

To further aid Tyrel, Cuevas is directing people to a fundraising virtual walk or run event at

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