As parents and providers of the pediatric transplant community, you know firsthand the life-saving impact of organ transplantation. Protecting and expanding access to innovative, non-invasive tests (simple blood test) is vital to post-transplant success and the long-term health of transplant patients. Traditional tests, although sometimes necessary, are a known source of anxiety and stress for recipient children and teens. If clinical teams and the caregivers of recipient children agree non-invasive testing is an option, those options should be available.
Key professional transplant associations, American Society of Transplant Surgeons (ASTS) and American Society of Transplantation (AST), have expressed concern that a new Medicare billing article would limit coverage for important non-invasive testing (simple blood test) for transplant patients. These organizations have highlighted several concerns with the billing article including potential delay in catching issues with patients transplants, such as rejection, limiting the use of non-invasive testing to routinely check the health of your new transplant, and limits on insurance coverage that may disproportionately affect rural and underserved communities that already face barriers to accessing healthcare.
Transplant Families and several other patient advocacy organizations have come together and want to highlight the patient and family perspective on this issue and ensure that our voices are heard.
Please take just 5 minutes to complete our survey on non-invasive testing for post-transplant patients. Your feedback will help us ensure that our children's (and their caregivers) ask for non-invasive testing is heard.
Take the survey. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/GJMZFLB
If you would like to learn more about the Medicare billing article, you can find the complete article here.
Your participation is important to ensuring that all voices of the transplant community are heard on this important issue. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of transplant patients and their families.
Transplant Families
