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Pediatric Liver Transplant Families only, we need your input.

How do you feel about your child’s immunosuppression (anti-rejection) medications?

Dear Parents—We need to know what you think!

We are doing a research study about how parents and caregivers of children with liver transplants feel about their child’s immunosuppression (anti-rejection) medications. We would like you to participate in this study.

If you choose to be in the study, you will complete an online survey. It will take about 5 minutes to complete.

You can skip questions that you do not want to answer or stop the survey at any time. The survey is anonymous, and no one will be able to link your answers back to you. Please do not include your name or other information that could be used to identify you in the survey responses. The survey will be open for 2 weeks—through July 20.

Please contact Emily Perito, MD, at 415-514-1170 with questions about this study. If you have questions or concerns about your rights as a research participant, you can call the UCSF Institutional Review Board at 415-476-1814.

Being in this study is optional. If you want to participate, please click this link to start the survey:

Please complete this survey only ONCE.

Thank you!

Sandy Feng, MD PhD

Emily Perito, MD

University of California San Francisco

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