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Suicide Prevention Awareness Week

Parenting a teenage transplant recipient can be a challenging journey. While the transplant itself is a significant milestone, it's essential to remember that the emotional and psychological aspects of the recovery process can be just as critical. As a parent, it's essential to be vigilant about signs of non-adherence to medical regimens and potential depression in your teen. In this blog, we'll discuss these warning signs and offer guidance on how to engage in sensitive conversations with your child. We'll also touch on when to seek psycho-social help might be necessary.

Recognizing Signs of Non-Adherence:

  1. Missed Medications: One of the most obvious signs of non-adherence is the consistent missing of prescribed medications. Keep track of your teen's medication schedule and be alert to any missed doses. Observing missed medication by monitoring a weekly or monthly pillbox may be easier.

  2. Change in Physical Health: If your child's health starts deteriorating without a clear medical reason, this could be a sign of non-compliance. Pay attention to symptoms like fatigue, frequent infections, or changes in weight.

  3. Avoiding Clinic Appointments: Teens who are not adhering to their medical regimen may attempt to avoid regular clinic check-ups. If your child consistently resists attending these appointments, it's a cause for concern.

Recognizing Signs of Depression:

  1. Mood Changes: Depressed teens often display persistent sadness, irritability, or mood swings. It may be a sign that your child seems consistently down or excessively irritable.

  2. Social Withdrawal: Depression can lead to social isolation. If your teen suddenly withdraws from friends and family or loses interest in previously enjoyed activities, this could indicate a problem.

  3. Change in Sleep and Eating Habits: Pay attention to significant changes in your child's sleeping and eating patterns. Both excessive sleep and a loss of appetite can be indicative of depression.

Initiating Gentle Conversations:

  1. Choose the Right Time: Find a quiet, private moment to talk with your teen. Avoid confrontational or judgmental language. This could be as simple as a one-on-one activity like getting a meal that's just the two of you, going to a sports game, or going for some wellness time like a pedicure. These activities may promote time to talk about everyday life, which will help you dig deeper and get to know your teen.

  2. Express Concern, Not Accusation: Use "I" statements to express your concern. For example, say, "I've noticed a few doses of missed medications, and I wanted the chance to talk about your health."

  3. Listen Actively: Allow your child to express their feelings without interruption. Validate their emotions and let them know you're there to support them.

When to Seek Psycho-Social Help:

If you notice persistent signs of non-adherence and/or depression in your teenager, seeking professional help is crucial. Here are some indicators that it might be time to reach out:

  1. Danger to Self or Others: If your child expresses thoughts of self-harm or harming others, do not hesitate to seek immediate assistance from mental health professionals or contact emergency services.

  2. Significant Deterioration: If your child's physical or emotional health is rapidly deteriorating, it's essential to contact their transplant team or go to the emergency room.

  3. Resistance to Help: If your teen refuses to engage in conversations or accept help from you, consider involving a therapist or counselor who specializes in working with teenage transplant recipients.

In times of crisis, remember that you are not alone. Reach out to your transplant team, who can provide specialized support and resources for both the medical and psychological aspects of your child's recovery.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255) or

Suicide and Crisis Lifeline ( Call or text ): 988

Navigating non-adherence and depression in teenage transplant recipients requires patience, empathy, and open communication. By recognizing the signs, engaging in gentle conversations, and seeking help when needed, you can better support your child through their challenging journey to health and happiness. Your child's well-being is the top priority, and professionals and resources are available to assist you every step of the way.

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