By: Kevin Flanigan
Updated: June 20, 2013
SHIRLEYSBURG, HUNTINGDON COUNTY – A little girl in Huntingdon County is in need a life saving lung transplant. After running into some medical roadblocks, her family has hired an attorney to try and get the care their little girl needs.
Doctors are in agreement that two and a half year old Gracie Covert needs a lung transplant and a heart operation if she is to survive long term. But because the family has been turned down by a couple of major medical centers, they are stepping up their private efforts to arrange for the needed transplant.
While she tires easily and gets out of breath, Gracie does a good job of trying to keep up with her seven year old brother Aiden. But because this little girl is dealing with life threatening heart and lung defects, her mother has spent a lot of time and energy trying to find the medical help the little girl requires.
Gracie’s mother says because a couple of major medical centers have declined to put Gracie on their transplant list, the family has hired a Philadelphia Attorney to advocate on their daughter’s behalf. They hope that by putting some legal muscle behind their emotional pleas, they can get closer to a life saving transplant for their daughter.
With the help of their new attorney, the family plans to circulate Gracie’s medical records to pediatric surgical centers around the country and the world. Gracie’s mother says she realizes there is no legal means to force a medical center to consider her daughter for a transplant. But she hopes public attention to the case can help clear the way for the medical help the little girl needs.
via Transplant Help Requested.